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Special Message from Linden Fire Department Chief William Hasko Jr

It seems like yesterday, but six months have passed since I took the Oath of Office as the Chief of the Linden Fire Department. At that time, I had no idea that in just four months we would be facing a COVID-19 Pandemic. What I do know is that that I could not be more proud to be the Chief of The Linden Fire Department. The members of this Department never faltered on their promise “to faithfully, impartially and justly perform all the duties of office of firefighter.” They came together and served the public’s needs honorably and professionally. As Chief of the Department, I thank them. In addition, I want everyone to know that The Linden Fire Department is, has and always will be here for you. Lastly, I want to recognized and thank Captain Bryan Kostrey and Firefighter Daryl Roberts for taking the initiative to create this inspiring video.

Fire Chief William Hasko Jr

Memorial Day Weekend W/COVID-19

The Governor is expected to sign an Executive Order today opening beaches and lakefronts Memorial Day Weekend with a number of restrictions.

  • The number of people on beaches and lake fronts must be limited.
  • Beaches cannot be made “private” by opening only to residents.
  • 6-foot minimum social distancing must be exercised
  • No organized games or special events that draw a crowd
  • Face coverings recommended
  • No amusement parks, playgrounds or visitor centers can be opened
  • State Park bathrooms will be opened going forward

Guidance from the Governor’s office regarding public pools is expected by Monday at the latest.

Got a call from New Jersey American Water? Read this to explain.

New Jersey American Water is reaching out to Linden residents about work that they will be doing over the next month. Below is a transcription of the message. With questions, please contact New Jersey American Water through their website, or by phone at 1(800) 272-1325.

“This is an important message from New Jersey American Water. New Jersey American Water will begin routine flushing of the water distribution system in your area Wednesday, May 13 through Saturday, June 13 from 8am to 5pm. to ensure that you continue to receive high-quality water service. Flushing also allows us to monitor and maintain fire hydrants. This work is essential for safe, reliable water service and its in coordination and compliance with all federal, state and local agencies and directives. When crews are working in your area, you may notice reduced pressure or discolored water. If your water is discolored, run the cold water only at the lowest level of the house for about 3 to 5 minutes so that it clears before using. Repeat this flushing step once or twice within an hour as necessary until the water clears. For your safety and the safety of our employees, please do not approach them while they work. If you have a question, please call us at 1-800-272-1325. For more information log on to our website at, and select Alert Notifications. Thank you.”

Linden Emergency Response System

As we continue to follow the CDC COVID-19 guidelines and sheltering in place, Linden Department of Parks and Recreation wanted to inform Linden elderly, handicapped, disabled and residents who live alone that we offer the Linden Emergency Response System (LERS), which is a an around the clock monitoring system for any medical emergency. It acts as an electronic guardian for instant communication in emergency situations.

For a nominal monthly monitoring fee, this program provides the recipient and the family peace of mind knowing that help is on the way within minutes with just the press of a button. Any Linden resident interested in the program can call the John T. Gregorio Center at (908) 474-8627, Monday through Friday between 9am and 4pm. For more information, click here.

Virtual Mothers Day Celebration – 2020

Mother’s Day 2020 celebrations are different because of COVID. To show Mom how much she means to all of us on Mother’s Day Council President Michele Yamakaitis, my wife Danie and I invited our residents to participate in this year’s City of Linden Virtual Mother’s Day Celebration. Participants submitted a Mother’s Day Greeting to us for the City’s Virtual Mother’s Day Segment. On Mother’s Day, submitted videos will run on Linden TV, posted to social media and available to watch here. Happy Mother’s Day! – Mayor Derek Armstead

Heroes Come in All Shapes & Sizes

Linden Mayor honors 9 year old Gabriela for stepping up to help her town during the COVID-19 pandemic

Gabriela is a 9 year old student at School #2 who loves arts and crafts and helping others. One morning said to her mother, “Mommy, I want to help people that are not working and don’t have food. I want to find a way to help families in need that are going through hard times.” Little Gabriela came up with a plan to make bracelets to sell for $5 each. With the support of her mother, Gabriela used the money to buy food to help families affected by COVID-19 in her hometown of Linden, NJ. Gabriela will be helping the town with their COVID-19 Emergency Food Relief Program. Gabriela was so excited when Mayor Derek Armstead paid her a special visit.

Kids to Parks Day

Due to COVID-19, Kids to Parks Day, which was scheduled this year for May 16th, has unfortunately been cancelled. HOWEVER

National Park Trust is taking the 10th anniversary of Kids to Parks Day digital and instead is celebrating May 16, 2020, as Parks to Kids Day — bringing a much-needed infusion of the outdoors to kids and families as they isolate at home and practice social distancing. Join them for this virtual celebration and bring parks home on this special day. To get started, you can download their ParkPassport app for iPhone and Androiddeveloped in partnership with Blue Star Families. There are more than 500 virtual resources featured; you can even earn Junior Ranger badges! For more information on resources designed to bring parks to kids, click here.

Governor Murphy Announces That Schools Will Remain Closed Through the End of the Academic Year

Remote learning to continue until end of school year

TRENTON – Citing the need to protect the health of New Jersey’s 1.6 million public and private school students as well as thousands of educators and support staff, Governor Phil Murphy today announced that statewide school closures will be extended through the end of the 2019-2020 academic year. Private schools with longer academic years will remain closed until at least June 30.

While the prohibition of in-person instruction will be maintained through the end of the school year, public schools will continue to provide remote learning for students to allow districts to meet the state-required minimum of 180 instruction days.

“This is a difficult decision and I know that many students, parents, and staff would like to be able to return to school,” said Governor Murphy. “However, I have been unwavering on the message that we need to make decisions based on science, not emotion. And while New Jersey is making great strides in mitigating the spread of COVID-19, science tells us that at this point, we can’t safely re-open our schools.”

“I commend Governor Murphy’s thoughtful, deliberative approach that takes into account the concerns of school administrators, teachers, and other stakeholders in the education community,” said Education Commissioner Lamont O. Repollet. “However, the most compelling factor guiding today’s decision is the health of New Jersey’s students and educators, and their families.”

The Administration will create a steering committee consisting of a diverse group of stakeholders in the education community to explore summer learning opportunities for all students, including school-sponsored summer programming and Extended School Year for students with disabilities. The committee will provide recommendations to the Administration as to which services need to continue to be provided remotely should the public health emergency extend past the conclusion of the 2019-2020 school year.

The committee will also explore approaches for the safest and most efficient re-opening of schools for the 2020-2021 school year.

In addition, the Department of Education will work with school officials to share ideas on safe and innovative ways to recognize 2020 high school graduates and other end-of-year milestones for students.

Federal Stimulus Funding

The Administration plans to tap federal funds that will help schools improve continuity of learning, assist with sanitizing and deep cleaning of school buildings, and address the emotional needs of students.

New Jersey recently applied for $310 million in federal funding through the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund, which is part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act.

Districts will have substantial local discretion in use of these funds; the CARES Act lists a number of allowable uses, including:

  • Purchase of educational technology, including hardware, software and connectivity
  • Purchase of sanitization and cleaning supplies
  • Mental health supports
  • Plan and implement activities related to summer learning and supplemental after-school programs, including providing online learning during the summer months to address the needs of student subgroups
  • Planning and coordinating the distribution of meals to eligible students
  • Provide principals and other school leaders with the resources necessary to address the needs of their individual schools
  • Activities to address the unique needs of student subgroups

Federal officials have signaled that states can anticipate a rapid approval of applications for this stimulus funding.

Updated Preparedness Plans

In the weeks leading up to Governor Murphy’s order to close schools statewide starting March 18, the Department of Education required school districts to develop Emergency Preparedness Plans that addressed critical issues, such as delivery of remote instruction, special education services, and food security. The Murphy Administration will call on school districts to revise their schoolwide Emergency Preparedness Plans to address the extension of school closures through June 30.