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Managing the Fear of Coronavirus

Due to reports of Coronavirus cases in the U.S., many people are expressing fear and anxiety about this potentially serious illness. While it is understandable to worry about the health and safety of ourselves and out loved ones, it is important to manage our anxiety. Few make good decisions based on fear, and the 24/7 media coverage- much of it gloomy- often obscures reality and adds to a sense of panic. Taking care of your emotions, especially during times of higher stress and anxiety, is a good first step to protecting yourself and those you love.

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Self-Care/Coping with the Stress Caused by a Health Crisis

Although Coronavirus is a health issue that is being taken very seriously by public health authorities worldwide, do not let your worry about this virus control your life. For more information on Coronavirus, visit the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Here is helpful information from the CDC on personal preparedness.

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